New Lead Form Extensions In Google Ads

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New Lead Form Extensions In Google Ads

At the end of October Google announced it will be testing Lead Form Extensions for mobile.

This extensions has been designed around connecting with customers faster and capturing interest in potential customer’s search moments.

What are Google Lead Form Extensions?

Google Lead Form Extensions are now in Beta testing.

This extension will show below your search ad on mobile devices and allow users to fill in the contact information directly through your ad on the mobile SERP.
If the user is already signed into their Google account then the form will pre-populate with their contact details, further reducing the time for interested customers.

Google lead form extensions help ads to stick out on the mobile SERP and help users to convert faster and easier. It will also mean your ad is more likely to show in higher positions.

See this clip below from Google for the Lead Form Extension in action:



You may be wondering where these lead details go once the form is submitted.

As users interact and fill in your lead forms you’ll collect their contact information. Google provides 2 options to reach these leads as soon as possible so you can help convert them asap!

  1.  Download your leads as a CSV file:

    Underneath the extension is a handy link to download the contact information from your lead forms

  2. Webhook Integration:

    This allows you to feed your newly acquired leads directly into a CRM. You will need to add a webhook URL and key to your lead form extension. Don’t forget to send a test form to confirm it integrated correctly.

This extension is very promising for lead generation based companies and clients and we’re excited to try them!

Check today if your accounts have access to the Lead Form Extension Beta.

For more information see Google’s lead form extension guide


Emily is a Digital Marketing Executive at Siren Search.

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