301 Redirects play an important role in your website, and although you may have heard of them before, you may not know what they are or when you need to use them.  We’ve put together an article covering commonly asked questions about 301 redirects - read below.  What is a 301 Redirect?  A 301 redirect is a status code which a server sends to your browser for a permanent redirect. This is used to send users and search engines...

September and October are usually the best times to target students at Fresher's Fairs, Student Lock-Ins and Pop-Up Stalls on campuses. But due to the pandemic, many large scale fairs and events have been cancelled and a high number of students are remaining at home. Those opting to live in accommodation are likely to have a very different social experience this academic year. Some businesses may find less of an influx of students this Autumn, specifically for...

With 83% of Instagram users discovering new products or services through the platform, it is a channel that cannot be missed. However, there has been some debate as to whether a business Instagram account can help with your overall SEO.  As another avenue of traffic towards your business, Instagram can increase your company’s online presence and boost brand awareness. Having more brand-managed platforms within the top positions of branded SERPs means you have more control over how...

On the 5th August 2020 Instagram announced it's latest feature - Instagram Reels. According to Instagram, Reels will give users the ability to create short 15 second videos and use new creative tools to edit them. The Reel can then be shared with followers, and if on a public account, can be shared to the Explore page to reach a wider audience. A Replacement for TikTok? Many have noted that this sudden move by Instagram may be due...