One of the reasons why Facebook Ads are so powerful, is their features of letting you set specific objectives that your brand aims to meet. These objectives are the action that you want people to do when viewing your ads, with there being 3 top tiers - and various individual objectives underneath. Awareness Objectives These are seen as top of the funnel, as they are aimed at generating interest in your products or services that you...

We already have an article on our site about how Quality Score is one of the most important elements in Google Adwords. This is because it heavily contributes toward your ad rank and cost-per-click. It is vital you know what the quality score of your keywords are, however in the new Adwords interface you have to manually add the quality score column as well as the factors that contribute to quality score. I have put together a...

Everyone knows that reviews are of value to a business, but many business owners still wonder why they should devote time to online reviews. Statistics show that 92% of consumers read online reviews, and star rating is a top factor used by people to form an opinion of a business and affect their decision of whether to make a purchase. They help a business to gain local organic search rankings and create branding. Brands invite their...

Improving quality score and optimising your Ad account structure are some of the things regularly said to help your PPC campaign, but what people often miss is that great content can help improve your ad campaign. This relationship also works both ways, not only does great content help your Google Ads campaign, but you can also drive traffic to your content through other Paid Search channels such as Facebook Ads. How Does Content Help PPC? ...