Client Portfolio - Richborough Estates

Read our Case Study for Richborough Estates below.

Richborough Estates Logo

Who Is Richborough Estates?

Richborough Estates are a specialist and strategic land promotion business, with nearly 20 years’ experience of working in partnership with landowners to secure planning permission. Working with local communities and stakeholders throughout the process, Richborough Estates help shape developments that have character.

Screenshot of Richborough Estates website with green

What We Did

We wanted to generate leads at a lower CPA (Cost Per Action) using Google Search campaigns (PPC).

Why We Did This

We utilised Dynamic Search Ads for mining keywords. We also looked at audience and demographics insights, in order to target bespoke ages that were driving leads at a lower CPA.


After running our campaigns, we saw a steady decline in Cost per Conversions and a healthy incremental increase in leads driven for Richborough Estates. December 2020 was our best month to date – we drove a +55% increase in leads at a -67% drop in our cost per conversions.


Increase in Leads


Drop in Cost per Conversions


Digital Ad Spend

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- Catherine - Richborough Estates

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