Mobile PPC Tag

Google Ad Extensions help to increase ad rank and click through rate of your website. These allow you to add more content to your ad, giving you more space on the search results page and give people additional ways of reaching you. There are a variety of Ad Extensions that you can use. Sitelink Extensions These are clickable words that link to specific pages. They can appear in two ways - simple wording or with descriptions....

Improving quality score and optimising your Ad account structure are some of the things regularly said to help your PPC campaign, but what people often miss is that great content can help improve your ad campaign. This relationship also works both ways, not only does great content help your Google Ads campaign, but you can also drive traffic to your content through other Paid Search channels such as Facebook Ads. How Does Content Help PPC? ...

Google have recently announced that they will be making various changes to the Google Seller Ratings. This is a feature that you can get on Google PPC Ads. Google Seller ratings are rating displayed to your customers on your search result, enabling them to find businesses that offer quality services. Seller Ratings Changes Come early October, Google will begin displaying your businesses seller rating on a country basis, helping to make it more localised for customers within your country....

Natural language search, or conversational search, is search carried out in everyday language, phrasing questions as you would ask them if you were talking to someone or seeking advice. These queries can be typed into a search engine, spoken aloud with voice search, or a digital assistant like Siri. Natural language and keyword based searches are different. A keyword-based search query for that information might be “Eiffel Tower height”. But if you were searching using natural...

You want your website to rank highly, but with all of the competition out there, you don't know where to start. Here are a few useful tips that will help you to improve your website content to keep users on the site longer and convert. Call to Action The goal of a site or page should be obvious to any user. This could be making a purchase, contacting you, or reading more on other services that you...

Building a keyword list is vital to aid your PPC campaign, as it will ensure that your ads are shown to the right customers. This is because keywords should match the terms that your potential customers are searching for, to find your products and services. Not sure where to start with a keyword list? Below are some pointers on building a powerful keyword list. Think Like a Customer A great way to start is by writing...

Remarketing sounds complicated, but it’s incredibly simple and can take your advertising strategy from zero to hero. Below I’ll explain what remarketing is and how it works, why it’s so effective, and its benefits to your site. What is Remarketing? Remarketing is the practise of serving targeted ads across the internet to people that have already been to your website, basically allowing the company to follow users around the internet  with ads in the goal of...

Recently Google has put a greater emphasis on mobile search for devices such as iPhones, Android and smart phones such as BlackBerry. The increase in activity in this area is primarily due to technological advances made in terms of accessing the internet at any given time. Mobile Web In relative terms it could be said that the mobile web has been behind in advancement, but Google are now fast-tracking the mobile web to meet this new demand. With...

Local Marketing With increasing availability of the "mobile web" and location based services, user demand for highly relevant search results has increased. The fact that more users are able to access the web wirelessly means that it is even more important to ensure you have a presence on the first page of Google through PPC. In recent months Google has recognised this need and has stepped up in providing more location based settings to further target your AdWords...